Monday, November 22, 2010


November Newsletter

The preparations for the Christmas dinners are mostly complete except
for the food that has to be prepared just before. The building has been
decorated inside and out and looks very festive. Tom Busse has been
setting up the tables and chairs. Reservations are still available for
singles or groups. Call Dorothy Quinlin at 937-295-2659.

Jim and Rosemary Brussell donated an HP copier-printer-fax to the
museum. It will be a great help to us.

The Cub Scouts toured the museum recently and Alice and Catherine
spoke to the Active Older Adults group at the scout house in Minster
this month.

Don Gusching fixed the sidewalk on the north side of the building where
the concrete had broken up. The roof on the barn next to the alley has
been damaged probably by a large truck moving between there and

Jim and Jean Rosengarten braved the basement and crawl space and did some rewiring on the west side of the building so a heater can be plugged
in there. In the process they found a large gap behind the baseboard
where cold air has been coming in. Jim sprayed several cans of
expandable foam in there and it should be much warmer in the barroom
this winter.

Jim has made a limited number of small bread/cheese boards out of
floorboards from the old elementary school. We will be selling them for
$12.50 each. They're about 6X12. You can get them at the museum during
the dinners or call Jim at 295-3998.

The Ft. Loramie Area Chamber of Commerce will be holding their
Hometown Family Christmas Sun. December 12. The museum along with
local businesses will be open that day. The miniature train will be set up in
the music room as usual and refreshments will be served. Catherine
Wolken will display her paintings.