Sunday, May 20, 2012

May Newsletter

As usual, the museum will be open Sunday afternoons from 1-4 in June, July and August. There are a couple of new displays and opportunities for research. Even if you don't like history come in and chat. And don't forget when you visit any museum throw a dollar or 2 in the donation jar.

The tax levy is official. A special election will be held probably August 7th. The levy is for .25 and will benefit all the historical museums in the county; Ft. Loramie, Sidney, Anna, Jackson Center, and Botkins. The economy has had a bad effect on local government and non-profit organizations. I hope those of you who live in Shelby County will come out and vote for us.

We're still looking for owners to turn in a history of their businesses for the new history book. Time is running out if you want to get your business or farm in the book. It's free.

Jim Rosengarten has restored the box of the Barney Krampe wagon donated by Mr. & Mrs. Fogt. The undercarriage and the floor were unusable. He stabilized it and replaced the floor and treated it with linseed oil. It still has its original color which our other wagon does not. Jim and Jean spent an afternoon hanging it from the ceiling in the barn. Photos are on the Facebook page.

We received $250 from the Walmart Foundation through their Volunteerism Always Pays program. Apparently anyone who works for Walmart and volunteers at a non-profit organization can turn in their hours to the foundation and they will donate to the non-profit organization.

We have several albums of photos taken on someone's trip to Germany. Does anyone know who are the people in the photos, when did they go to Germany and where did they visit? It looks like maybe the 1980's. They aren't much use if we don't at least know where they were taken.

Bonnie Turner is looking for a photo of the float the historical association created for the Sesquicentennial in 1987.