Thursday, September 13, 2012

From Mary Lou Reser Raterman

Hi, Catherine! My dad, Elmer Reser, bought the building from Al Gehring and we also had “The Wayne Trail Inn”. We lived upstairs and I spent my sophomore year in high school at Loramie. My mother was a Busse and my grandfather was Louis Busse of the famous sausage and meat market. Customers came from all over the country to buy his meat and I still miss his smoked sausage!

I remember my aunt Lauretta Wilkens was a Village Beautiful Girl and I have a photo of them—when they used to take care of the banks around the canal that ran through the center of town-- and we children watched movies from the bank outside. Loramie had charm back then and I have photos of Grandpa John Wilkens with us sitting in front of the Loramie Indian that used to be on the bank. Is the Indian still around?

I always wanted to buy the pie safe that was in the back room of the building. Is that for sale? Incidentally I also am a member of the Shelby Co. Historical Society in Sidney. Thanks again for contacting me.

Please send me your address and I will become a member. My dad bought Kings Café, which was next door to the Busse Meat Market, from Don King’s dad when I was in high school, sophomore year 1948. I was in college when he bought the Wayne Trail Inn from Al Gehring around 1951-52. I am in the process of going through old photos and will send you some photos I have and contact my cousin Joan Wilkens Hoying in New Bremen to see if she has anything.

Unfortunately I remember my parents’ generation throwing everything away when they cleaned out attics.

Mary Lou (Reser) Raterman