Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Dinners

The 39th year of the Christmas dinners was a huge success and over 400 visitors enjoyed our hospitality. I think it's important to acknowledge those who contribute to our only money-making event. It takes a lot of people to make it work.

A major player is Dorothy Quinlin who not only takes the reservations and arranges the seating but also helps with the decorating and in the kitchen, and handles the money and the bookkeeping. And she does it all with grace especially when she has to rearrange things to find room for an extra person at the last minute.

Rosemary Brussell handles the huge job of buying the food and running the kitchen. Tom Busse sets up the tables and ensures that we have enough dishes and silverware that match and makes sure everything is set up in the right rooms and in the right way. Alice Barhorst is all over the place helping with decorating, running things upstairs and gathering the group of ladies that come in mornings to set the tables. Karen Anthony runs the kitchen upstairs. Sheila Quinlin and helpers created all the centerpieces. Jean Rosengarten, in spite of working full time, made the appetisers and helped out in the kitchens. Larry Warren, Eileen Boeckman and Beth Holthaus are responsible for most of the decorating. Don Gusching steps in and quietly helps out wherever he can.

And we need to thank everyone who helped with the decorating, the boys and girls who give up a bit of their busy lives to help, the army of people who work in the kitchens and especially those who wash the dishes, a job nobody likes doing. It takes a real hero to do it for others. Thank you to everyone for supporting your museum.