The July meeting was held in the museum on the 18th with 10 members present.
One of the issues discussed was the condition of the sidewalk on the Elm St. side of the building. The concrete has sunk and the unevenness creates an unsafe condition. The museum is apparently responsible for the repair. Plans are afoot to repair all the sidewalks in the village. If the concrete is in good shape a product can be pumped underneath and the slab raised up which is less expensive than busting it up and relaying it.
Don Gusching deserves a lot of credit for staining the deck. He's a hero.
The museum was contacted by Bob Lammers of the Lake Loramie Heritage Museum who would like to coordinate with our museum and the Minster museum to set up a display next Spring at Earl's Pavilion. He is thinking about a display of artifacts and a possible panel discussion but all this is still in the planning stage.
Martha, of the Dairy King, has opened a branch at the lake across from the campground with a bait shop and a window selling pizza and ice cream.